Team 16 (VAC)
Job Overview
Job Location: Thilawa, Thanlyin Township
Type of Business/Product: Production Industry/ Agri Machine & Spare Parts
Job Ref No.: 16P2263
Salary: 500,000/- Kyats
- To educate and support customers and dealers.
- To repair and maintain all Kubota products.
- To support other departments.
- To be able to drive a service car.
- To report to the Manager (Such as technical information, Activity, Monthly).
- Bachelor of Mechanical Engineer.
- Experiences in 1 year (or) Above 1 years.
- Mechanical Engineer Knowledge.
- Basic Excel and basic 4 skill English and communication skills.
Other Requirements
- Hardworking and Active.
- Engineer Knowledge and good teamwork skills.
- Honest and respectful and other.
- Able to work everywhere in Myanmar and able to transfer if the company requires it.
Working Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Holidays: Saturday & Sunday, Public Holidays
Benefits: Ferry & Lunch will be provided
How to Apply: Please email to with your Microsoft Word CV file and job title and job ref no. in subject line.
Hotline: 01-8395916, 09-765395916
Job Detail
Offerd Salary400,000 - 700,000 MMK
Career LevelIntermediate
ExperienceLess than & Equal 1 Year
INDUSTRYManufacturing / Production